sign and verify xml

XML Digital Signature tool

  • Complete solution for XML Digital Signatures
  • Support for SHA-2 hash algorithms.
  • Sign fragments of XML data using references and IDs.
  • Verify XML signatures with a single click.
  • Command-line tool for XML signatures.
  • Create and verify signatures from the built-in Explorer. No need to open the XML document.

Download and use XML ValidatorBuddy+ as your XML signature tool:

Get complete and affordable support for XML digital signatures and increase the security of your XML documents with the easy-to-use functionalities provided by XML ValidatorBuddy+ Edition.

Support for SHA-1 and SHA-2

support for sha-2

XML Validator Buddy supports SHA-1, SHA-2 (SHA-256, SHA-384 and SHA-512) hash algorithms, together with RSA and HMAC keys. It is possible to create XML signatures using Windows® certificates, an arbitrary password or loaded from a standard PFX file.

Sign and verify XML digital signatures from the command-line

Save time and run sign or verify batch tasks for digital signatures on any number of XML documents using the command line tool which is included in all installations of XML Validator Buddy. Learn more

Use IDs to sign only fragments of your XML data

You can also sign only parts of the XML if you don't need to have the complete XML in the signature. Use the ID values of the XML elements to select the fragments to add to the signature. You can simply add as many references as you like.

About XML digital signatures

The XML signature technology is a standard way to check the integrity and authenticity of XML documents. A valid signature also proofs the identity of the signing party and secures transmission of any XML content.

It is simple to create and verify XML digital signatures with XML Validator Buddy. Select or open an XML file and choose a certificate to sign a document. Afterwards, the signature can be verified using the public key stored in the same certificate. The public key can also be written to the signature to allow verification without access to the certificate. Get a complete XML signature validator with XML ValidatorBuddy+.

Learn more at the help page.

Manage XML Digital Signatures with easy to use dialogs:

Take a detailed look at some other features of XML ValidatorBuddy

XML ValidatorBuddy is more than just an XML editor. Learn more on clicking the images and links below.